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The Lipstick Effect

Kylie Freeman
Writer and expert10 years ago
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Many studies have been done on how much lipstick is purchased each year. Just last year the University of Minnesota, the University of Texas at San Antonio and Arizona State University finished a paper they call “The Lipstick Effect”. The Boffins from the universities came to the conclusion that when the economy is bad, lipstick sales are good.

We have our own theories on why this might be the case, but we like to believe that no matter what the state of the Dollar, the cost of gold or how big Australia’s national debt is becoming, that there is always enough money in the purse for a beautiful shade of lipstick.

The RY team have been putting together some other fun facts about lipstick that will make you smile, (just make sure you don’t have lippy on your teeth).

Kylie Freeman
Writer and expert
View Kylie Freeman's profile