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RY Travel Edit: On-Flight Skin Tips

Beauty Editor7 years ago
View Amanda's profile

Ever boarded a long-haul flight with clear, glowing skin and emerged hours later a dry, flaky mess? We know the feeling! Sometimes flying for a few hours or more can totally ruin all of the progress you've made on your skin for at least a few days, as the lack of airflow essentially sucks all of the moisture out of our bodies! Even as someone with super oily skin, I know that embarking for a new destination is a sure-fire way to bring on itchy, irritated breakouts and scaly bits. The worst, right?

Just as we make sure to drink lots of water and stretch our legs on flights to maintain our body's health, it's also important to look after your skin! If you're a regular skincare addict with a set routine, it doesn't make much sense to abandon this even when travelling. The constraints are a lot more intense than your bathroom at home, though, so here are a few tips you can put into practice that are easy, flight-friendly and will reduce any flare-ups you experience.

RY Travel Edit: On-Flight Skin Tips

1. Drink lots of water

This is a pretty easy one, that we all hopefully do on every flight we board! Keeping your body nice and hydrated will help prevent your skin against becoming dry and dehydrated, which of course, is extremely important. Forego known culprits like coffee and alcohol, or at least, limit your intake - after all, how do you say no to a sneaky free wine on-flight! Bring an empty water bottle in your handbag or carry-on and ask for it to be filled up and you're good to go!

2. Opt for an oil

Although it's super important to moisturise while you're up in the air, sometimes your skin needs that little extra drop of hydration to keep it feeling soft and supple. Depending on your skin type and concerns, there's probably an oil out there that'll do this for you. Rosehip, jojoba or tea tree are all fantastic for maintaining the skin's moisture levels. Pop a little on, rub in luxuriously and then nod off to sleep, letting it work its magic!

The Trilogy Certified Organic Rosehip Oil ($21.95) comes in a 20ml size that's ideal for travelling. Rosehip oil is a lifesaver if you've got dry or mature skin as it helps lock in hydration and work to prevent against fine lines. We also love the Moroccan Argan Oil from The Ordinary ($12.90)--this two in one product helps prevent against flakiness and can also be used to add sheen to the hair after flying leaves it looking lifeless!

3. Don't be afraid to exfoliate

Exfoliants are a tricky one to use mid-flight, but trust us--any dry, scaly patches are sure to thank you! If you're not adverse to a little mess, go the traditional route with an exfoliating scrub such as the asap Daily Exfoliating Facial Scrub ($21.75). You can pick this one up in a 50ml size that'll fit perfectly in your travel toiletries bag! Although it may not be the most well-lit beauty room we've ever seen, the plane bathroom will do just fine as a makeshift spot for your scrubbing.

For something chemical that you can just leave while you rest mid-flight, we love the Alpha-H Liquid Gold ($47.96), or Liquid Gold Rose ($49.60) if your skin is sensitive. You'll need to pack a few cotton pads to apply this to the skin, but trust us--the effects of this product are too good to miss. Let HAs and other active ingredients resurface your skin as you sleep or while the time away watching movies.

4. Pick the right wipes

Makeup wipes are a girl's best friend, especially when you're up in the air and don't have access to all the tools you may need to give your face a proper clean. Don't use cheap, abrasive wipes from the supermarket--if you want to keep your skin's health in check without creating any redness, irritation or dryness, you'll want to go for something a little more advanced. We love the EmerginC Scientific Organics Facial Cleansing Wipes ($29.95) for an organic alternative with no nasties. The Wotnot Facial Wipes are cheap but cheerful and won't dry out skin. Grab a travel kit for a few extra dollars, such as the Wotnot Facial Wipes for Oily/Sensitive Skin ($13.95).

5. Refresh yourself

I know that when I'm flying, I find it super difficult to fall asleep, so after a few hours, everything just feels awful. Eyes are tired and dry, skin feels clammy or dried-out and nothing seems to work as a pick-me-up. To fight off this feeling, one of the things that works wonders is a quick spritz of something rejuvenating and freshly scented. It's also a welcome boost of moisture for parched skin! The Dermalogica Ultracalming Mist ($14.41) has been a total godsend for me whilst flying--the gentle mist and soothing scent help take you to that place of relaxation, all the while giving skin some much-needed moisture.

6. Pack it all up

Sometimes cramming all of your favourite products into your travel makeup bag can be quite the task, especially if you need to decant product into smaller bottles that are suitable for on the plane. That's where skin kits and packs come in! Perfect for travelling, there are quite a few customer-fave brands out there that cater to the frequent flyers on board. Dermalogica offer skin kits suited to practically every skin type, from oily to mature. With around a month's worth of product, these are sure to see you through your next vacay!

Another handy pack is the Skinstitut Starter Kit ($68.30). The savings on this baby are incredible, and you'll be able to pick up four excellent products that are ideal for when you're up in the air, including a cleanser, scrub, moisturiser and mist.

What's your favourite product to bring on holidays? Whether you're road tripping down the coast or gallivanting around Europe, you're sure to have a few tricks up your sleeve--let us know in the comments! Don't forget to check out the RY Travel Edit now:

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Beauty Editor
View Amanda's profile
A coffee addicted, YouTube obsessed Libran, I absolutely live and breathe all things beauty! I love to try new products and find myself switching things up regularly, as I continue on my ultimate quest to find the perfect flawless base and skin-care regime.