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RY Chats to Angela Simson of The Gratitude Project

RY Chats to Angela Simson of The Gratitude Project
Beauty Editor6 years ago
View Amanda's profile

Recently RY sat down with Angela Simson, the innovative wellness advocate behind The Gratitude Project, to chat all things beauty, self-care and much more. Keep reading to discover all you need to know about the beautiful Ange, including her rituals with her kids, travel skincare tips and winter must-haves.

RY Chats to Angela Simson of The Gratitude Project

Gratitude Project Angela Simson Q&A

RY: Hi Ange! Thank you so much for speaking with us today -- we're so excited to hear all about your journey in the wellness space. Could you tell us a bit about how The Gratitude Project originated and what it aims to do?

Angela Simson: I was in the car one day when my daughter Bo was only a few months old, driving to see the chiropractor because she had some problems with her neck.  She was in the back of the car screaming, she hated the car! I could feel my stress levels rising and I pulled over the car for the fourth time to get her out and soothe her, frustrated as anything and wanting to cry.

I was running late, Bo hated the car and it was all getting on top of me. But, I had this moment when getting her out of the car and I realised that some people would give anything to be in my situation. I had a beautiful baby girl, I was in the car taking her to see a healthcare practitioner that I could afford, and that was my biggest stress of the day. Who on earth was I not to feel so incredibly blessed in that moment? But I was allowing all the things out of my control to overshadow how incredibly luck I really was!

So, I made a decision then and there to stop choosing to focus on the discomfort, and start focusing solely on gratitude. It changed everything for me.  I became more present and happier within a week, and in the long run, I started to see big changes in my health, relationships and life. My aim is for as many of women as possible to experience these profound and life changing shifts and to help them connect with themselves, their vitality and their full potential.

RY: You’re an author, entrepreneur and super mum – do you make time in your busy schedule for self care? What practices do you use?

AS: Yes, life is busy but I try and be as mindful as possible to take care of myself. My favourite way to start my day is slowly, with cuddles in bed with my hubby and two girls. If all is calm at home I head out for a beach walk and some nights, I head to yoga.

I think that when you become a mother you really have to prioritise your happiness and health, because it does impact everyone in your home. I try not to caught up in ‘shoulds’ and instead, get obsessed with joy!

Life isn’t sunshine and rainbows at all time; when things are tough and the stress is creeping in, my self care practices bring me back to earth, ground me in what’s really happening and help me to keep a level head.

RY: If you weren’t a health and happiness coach, what would you be?

AS: Very unhealthy and unhappy! Just kidding, I think I would’ve probably ended up just embracing mum life and maybe gone back to working in fashion after a while. I don’t know how life would’ve turned out though, I think I would’ve found another way to be of service!

Angela Simson The Gratitude Project Q&A

RY: You’ve got two gorgeous little girls, Bo and Harper. What do you love most about being a mum?

AS: I just love how loved you feel, with these little humans just wanting to gobble all your time and attention -- it’s so beautiful!

RY: We’re deep in the midst of winter, and things are getting chilly! What changes do you make to prepare your skin and hair for winter?

AS: I love an all-purpose moisturiser; I get a little dry on my hands and this helps loads, and then I double dose on my plant based omegas so I’m moisturised from the inside out!

RY: You’re a bit of a frequent flyer, but constant plane journeys are renowned for taking their toll on the skin. Do you have any in-flight skincare tips?

AS: I love to travel but definitely notice the toll it takes on my skin, and health more generally, when I don’t invest time into caring for myself properly. For me, whole foods, hydration and good quality skincare products are key to skin health when I’m on the road! You’ll always find me with homemade packed food, water and a lush moisturiser when I’m flying!

RY: Can you tell us how you balance a healthy diet with being busy? Do you make exceptions for a little indulgence?

AS: I eat simply and invest time in food prep (it makes all the difference!) But yes, I definitely make exceptions for a little indulgence. Trust me, I love ice cream just as much as the next gal!

RY: What is your go-to beauty brand?

AS: I love the Gold Coast-based skincare brand Alpha-H, they're my fave!

RY: If you could only wear one makeup item for the rest of your life, what would it be? Are you comfortable wearing no makeup?

AS: I love makeup, it’s fun and girly!  If I could only choose one thing, concealer. I have darkness under my eyes from #mumlife and sometimes redness around my nose, so it’s my go to!

RY: Your blog and social media showcase a lot about wellness. Are you conscious about what goes into the beauty items you use in terms of ingredients?

AS: Most definitely. As much as possible, I strive to have a toxin free beauty cabinet (and home in general!). The great thing these days is that the quality and variety of natural beauty products is SO GOOD!

RY: We’re all in envy of your lush hair – it’s amazing! What does your haircare routine look like?

AS: It's super basic. I wish I had a list of miracle products I could give out, but I truly believe it comes from the inside out. I make sure I drink lots of water and eat well. Plus, I take whole food nutrition supplements to get that extra boost of nutrients from the goodness of nature!

RY: Do you have any quick, easy hair styling tips for our busy RY beauties?

AS: Let it dry naturally then use a ghd curler through sections for some volume and bounce!

Angela Simson Gratitude Project Wellness Q&A

RY: Is there one proud moment in your career that stands out from the rest? If so, what is it?

AS: Yes, and it literally happened two days ago! My Gratitude Gang won an award for being the fastest growing team in Australia. I love watching and supporting other women to consciously construct their own lives, and the award was just recognition of all their work and how many people we’ve been able to serve as a collective!

RY: We’re going to do a few rapid fire questions now if that’s okay with you! What's your guilty pleasure?

AS: Chocolate! I love it.

RY: Book you can't put down?

AS: I recently read Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu and loved it.

RY: Winter night-in ritual?

AS: Sharing cuddles in bed with my family and some chilled evening yoga always help me wind down!

RY: 'Girlboss' inspiration?

AS: I love Gwyneth Paltrow; I admire how she stands by her beliefs even when the public doesn't agree!


A big thanks to Angela Simson of The Gratitude Project for speaking with us about all things wellness, self care, gratitude and much more. To learn more about the brilliant Ange, head on over to her Instagram @gratitude_project or visit her website here.

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Beauty Editor
View Amanda's profile
A coffee addicted, YouTube obsessed Libran, I absolutely live and breathe all things beauty! I love to try new products and find myself switching things up regularly, as I continue on my ultimate quest to find the perfect flawless base and skin-care regime.