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The man behind Posh and Becks
Writer and expert16 years ago
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Few would argue that Victoria and David Beckham are style gurus so when it comes to the latest look for hair fashion you need look no further than the man that has been responsible for their locks for the last 10 years.

It all happened for stylist Ben Cooke 6 years ago when he was working on a shoot with Sporty Spice. She liked her hair so much she introduced him to the rest of the girls and the rest as they say is history. Ben has visited Australia as a back packer in the past before fame and fortune blessed his scissors. During his stay here in Australia he indented to work in bars and do the usual backpacker jobs.

Soon after he landed here, Australian editors could see Ben's obvious talent and he secured jobs on Australian glossy mags such as Vogue and Harpers Bizarre. He then returned to the UK and in 2006 launched his Lockonego salon in London. A haircut with Ben will set you back over $400. They have plans to launch another salon in LA where of course I am sure the Beckham's will be regular clients. Lets hope that our home patch made a good enough impression on Ben that we will see a Lockonego salon somewhere on our shores before long.

In salons all over Australia you will hear the phrase I want the Victoria Beckham bob.  Wouldn’t it be nice if the man who created the look was to cut it for you?
Writer and expert
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