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6 Ways to Stay Flawless When Travelling
Writer and expert9 years ago
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Visiting new places is always exciting, whether its for a work trip, visiting family or just to get a way. But travelling can also be stressful on your mind and body so we've got a few beauty travel tips to keep you looking fresh and flawless, and feeling calm.

1. Be Organised
packing light

There's nothing worse than rushing around at the last moment trying to get your self dressed and ready, pack everything and still get to the airport on time. Worse than that; getting there and thinking "Oh I forgot my favourite moisturiser". Plan your on-board beauty essentials before you leave. Make sure you have all your favourite products in travel size to avoid excess weight or having to throw them out at customs. Pack them all in a clear zip-lock bag in a place that is easy to access throughout the flight. That way maintaining your usual beauty routine is a breeze. Chuck on your favourite yoga pants and you'll basically feel like you're still at home!

2. Make-up is NOT necessary

Unless you are planning on meeting your future husband on the flight, take off your make-up before flying. If you won't be caught dead in the air port bare faced, opt for something lighter such as a tinted moisturiser or BB cream. If your flight is over night try and at least remove the remnants of your make-up like you would usually do. Standing in that little dim lighted Air plane bathroom while the plane rocks back and forth trying to remove or re-apply make-up is no-ones idea of fun. Try using make-up wipes for ease and convenience.

3. Moisturise, Hydrate and Re-Moisturise

The air pressure drops really low while you're up flying, sucking the moisture out of your skin and your body. Make sure to continuously slather on a highly intense facial moisturiser and drink plenty of water. Every time the flight attendant walks past and offers you some water say yes and keep sipping slowly the whole flight. A good lip product is also good so your lips don't get all chapped, and don't forget your hands either!

4. Mask yourself!

Masks are great ways to lock in moisture. If you don't mind scaring the people next to you, try a sheet mask and lay it over your face for 10-15 minutes. This is really relaxing and you can pretend you are somewhere peaceful like a day spa, instead of being crammed into a tiny seat with leg cramps and a screaming baby next to you. Otherwise try a clear moisturising mask, ones that contain Hyaluronic Acid are great, because they penetrate the skin’s innermost layers, and can hold 6x its weight in water.

5. Boost your hair

If your hair gets limp from being flattened against your headrest for hours, bring some life into it with some dry shampoo. Spritz a bit through the roots to get some volume, and moisturise the ends with something nourishing like Moroccan Oil and your hair will be good as new. It's a good idea to tie your hair back in a braid too,  if on the off chance you do manage to get some sleep. This way it won't get messed up during your fitful rest.

6. Get some ZZZ's

The best thing for your skin is plenty of rest, avoid arriving at your destination with bags or puffiness around your eyes by getting some sleep. We find the best way to do this is put a sleeping mask over your eyes to block out the light, cut out the noise with some noise cancelling head phones and just try taking deep breaths. Soon you will find yourself drifiting away...

... And you've arrived!


Walk off the plane looking flawless, without too much hassle! Now you're all set to enjoy your time away.
Writer and expert
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