
Origins of Moroccan Oil

Moroccan Oil has been slowly flowing into many product lines throughout the cosmetics market over the last few years. For someone who is new to this natural oil, it may seem to be in everything from shampoo to foot cream, promising instant help for any beauty emergency. Those who have tried it can attest that it really is all that it’s rumoured to be. However, there is still some confusion about this magnificent new find, leaving many people asking what is Moroccan oil, and where does it come from?

The Mighty Argan Tree

If you’ve ever looked at the price of 100% pure Moroccan hair oil, you won’t be shocked to learn that it is one of the rarest and therefore priciest plant oils produced today. The reason for this is that its source, the argan tree, grows only in southwest Morocco. Centuries ago, the majority of North Africa was covered in these trees but unfortunately they are now on Africa’s endangered species list. Luckily, as more consumers ask, “What is Moroccan Oil?” more trees are being cultivated resulting in an argan tree boom and more sustainable harvesting practices.

Going Nuts – Traditional Harvesting Techniques

The source of Moroccan oil is deep in the kernel of the tree’s fruit. Traditionally, the nuts from goat droppings were collected after their animals had scaled the trees to eat. After gathering the fruit and removing the pulp, the nuts were left to dry in the sun. Although they no longer have to follow their goats around, the Berber people of Morocco still have to crack the nuts by hand as no machine has been able to perform the delicate task without disastrous results. When the sun has made them brittle enough, the women spend hours gently prying the kernels from the centre of each nut using only their fingers and a great deal of patience.

Freshly Squeezed Beauty

Before modern press extraction machines were available, the process of manufacturing the oil was just as labour intensive as the harvesting. If the kernels were going to be used to create oil for cooking, they were gently roasted to increase flavour. If the oils were for cosmetic use, the kernels would skip that stage and go straight to grinding. Using what is best compared to a large mortar and pestle, the kernels were ground and pressed into a brownish pulp. From there, the pulp was pushed through a sieve in order to expel the oil. This pure, unfiltered argan oil was then left for up to two weeks in order for the sediment to settle, leaving the ‘liquid gold’ at the top, ready to cure a host of skin ailments and enhance beauty naturally.

Hair treatment, rheumatism salve, arthritis relief, acne cure, eczema soother… the list goes on. Moroccan oil helps all of these common conditions, delivering exceptional results for almost everyone who has tried it – however without question its number one use is as a hair treatment, providing hair of all types with a lustrous shine and healthy complexion. If you count yourself among those puzzled as to what is Moroccan oil exactly, the best way to discover is by investing in a bottle of our Moroccan Oil Original Oil Treatment and trying it out for yourself. Chances are, you won’t be disappointed, you’ll be hooked!

nathan bills

nathan bills

Writer and expert