Going through pre-mature balding, hair loss or hair thinning can be embarrassing at any age. If you've tried nearly every treatment your doctor, partner, sister and neighbour have recommended without any results; that's about to change. Want thicker, fuller looking hair in just three steps? This hair loss system works, because it targets the real cause of the problem, and the effect. Regrow hair now!
Introducing Leimo Hair Loss Solution.
Hair loss on Men and Women is a result of a testosterone called Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). A build up of DHT on the scalp and hair follicles causes gradual miniaturisation and eventual deterioration of the hair follicle is the cause of 85% of hair loss. Leimo works to target both the DHT on the scalp, and also the miniaturisation of the hair follicles.
The active natural concentrates contained in Leimo help to cleanse the hair of any excess sebum and strengthen the hair follicle. The Leimo scalp scrub also helps to remove damaged skin cells and encourages healthy scalp cells. The Leimo Personal Hair Laser is the world’s first cordless take-home consumer device for hair-loss prevention. For years professionals have been using Laser therapy but it was only available in clinics and was very expensive. With Leimo you can enjoy the benefits of Laser Therapy for a fraction of the cost, in your very own home.
Whether you colour, perm or treat your hair with other harsh chemicals, the Leimo Personal Hair Laser System will help strengthen the hair follicles and deliver thicker, fuller and healthier hair.