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The award goes to ……

Hooked on Hair
Writer and expert16 years ago
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This week I was walking through Fortitude Valley, one of Brisbane’s more hip and trendy suburbs, when I passed a hair salon that had filled its whole window with new signage. “Well done to Steph who came second in the hairdresser of the year campaign”.  My first thought was to wonder who came first? Was there a salon with window signage saying well done John for winning first place and beating Steph who only came second in the hairdresser of the year award?  Only a hundred meters up the road another salon again had its claim to fame in the window, it too was claiming it had come second in a hairdressing competition. I had that sinking feeling that Sydney must be full of first place hairdressers and once again poor old Brisbane is second best...81

Hooked on Hair
Writer and expert
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