Writer and expert15 years ago
What is the point of having reviews on the products? At ry.com.au we allow every customer to leave honest feedback on every product. This can be a simple comment on how you found the product worked for you or what you thought of the smell or texture. Ask yourself what other users could take from my feedback? We try to offer as much advice and information on all our products but nothing is better than honest user feedback. We allow all constructive feedback on products even if you found that product didn't work for you. What we don't allow is any racist, offensive, or inflammatory language. If you have feedback on your www.ry.com.au shopping or salon experiences please contact our customer service team and someone will be happy to help.
If you’re a pr company or you’re from the product manufacture and want to comment on your own brand of products please go ahead but please declare yourself. Our goal is to create a community where users can interact with each other to gain valuable advice, feedback and reviews of the best hair and beauty products in Australia. If you have any ideas for features or product reviews on the on trend blog please email us at sales@ry.com.au
Writer and expert